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Quora: I wrote extensively about biology and healthcare as an undergraduate (Top Writer 2015) before taking a 7 year break. As of 2024, I write about economics. My work has received Knowledge Prizes:

  1. When might price controls be appropriate or inappropriate in healthcare markets, and why?
  2. What are some of the underappreciated economic factors that will slow the economic impact of strong AGI if it arrives?
  3. From a game-theoretic perspective, when should political candidates stake out extreme versus moderate positions?
  4. What’s an example of a time in your career where the naive data pointed in one direction, but a more nuanced approach showed the opposite?
  5. What’s the best application you’ve seen of LLMs to data analysis?
  6. How do social and information networks shape people’s perception of policy?

Notion: Miscellaneous notes, such as summaries of salons I’ve hosted and Austin-area hiking recommendations. Last updated in 2021.